Local Farmers Market

  1. Mercado (Market)
    “El mercado está abierto todos los sábados.”
    (The market is open every Saturday.)

  2. Agricultor (Farmer)
    “El agricultor vende frutas frescas en su puesto.”
    (The farmer sells fresh fruits at his stall.)

  3. Vegetales (Vegetables)
    “Me gustan los vegetales orgánicos del mercado.”
    (I like the organic vegetables from the market.)

  4. Frutas (Fruits)
    “Hoy compré muchas frutas en el mercado.”
    (Today I bought a lot of fruits at the market.)

  5. Voluntario (Volunteer)
    “Los voluntarios ayudan a organizar el mercado.”
    (The volunteers help organize the market.)

  6. Puesto (Stall)
    “El puesto de miel está al lado del de verduras.”
    (The honey stall is next to the vegetable stall.)

  7. Cliente (Customer)
    “El cliente está buscando frutas frescas.”
    (The customer is looking for fresh fruits.)

  8. Saludable (Healthy)
    “Es importante comer alimentos saludables.”
    (It is important to eat healthy foods.)

  9. Promoción (Promotion)
    “Hay una promoción de frutas este fin de semana.”
    (There is a promotion for fruits this weekend.)

  10. Comunidade (Community)
    “El mercado apoya a la comunidad local.”
    (The market supports the local community.)

  11. Comprar (To buy)
    “Voy a comprar algunas verduras para la cena.”
    (I am going to buy some vegetables for dinner.)

  12. Vender (To sell)
    “Ellos venden miel y mermelada en su puesto.”
    (They sell honey and jam at their stall.)

  13. Precio (Price)
    “¿Cuál es el precio de las fresas?”
    (What is the price of the strawberries?)

  14. Fresco (Fresh)
    “Me gustan los productos frescos del mercado.”
    (I like the fresh products from the market.)

  15. Sostenible (Sustainable)
    “La agricultura sostenible es muy importante para el futuro.”
    (Sustainable farming is very important for the future.)

  16. Degustación (Tasting)
    “Hay una degustación de quesos en el mercado hoy.”
    (There is a cheese tasting at the market today.)

  17. Temporada (Season)
    “Los productos de temporada son más frescos.”
    (Seasonal products are fresher.)

  18. Receta (Recipe)
    “Te puedo dar una receta para hacer ensalada.”
    (I can give you a recipe to make salad.)

  19. Orgánico (Organic)
    “Prefiero comprar alimentos orgánicos.”
    (I prefer to buy organic food.)

  20. Feria (Fair)
    “La feria de agricultores será el próximo mes.”
    (The farmers’ fair will be next month.)

  21. Cultivo (Crop)
    “El cultivo de tomates es muy popular aquí.”
    (The tomato crop is very popular here.)

  22. Recolectar (To harvest)
    “Vamos a recolectar los tomates mañana.”
    (We are going to harvest the tomatoes tomorrow.)