Sentences: Cleaning the Living Room


  1. Limpiar

    • Spanish: “Voy a limpiar la sala de estar.”
    • English: “I am going to clean the living room.”
    • 中文: “我要打扫客厅。”
  2. Organizar

    • Spanish: “Es importante organizar los libros en estantes.”
    • English: “It is important to organize the books on the shelves.”
    • 中文: “将书籍整理在书架上很重要。”
  3. Sofa

    • Spanish: “El sofá es muy cómodo para relajarse.”
    • English: “The sofa is very comfortable for relaxing.”
    • 中文: “沙发非常适合放松。”
  4. Mesa de café

    • Spanish: “Coloca la taza en la mesa de café.”
    • English: “Put the cup on the coffee table.”
    • 中文: “把杯子放在咖啡桌上。”
  5. Polvo

    • Spanish: “Debo quitar el polvo de los muebles.”
    • English: “I need to dust the furniture.”
    • 中文: “我需要给家具除尘。”
  6. Aspiradora

    • Spanish: “Voy a usar la aspiradora para limpiar la alfombra.”
    • English: “I am going to use the vacuum cleaner to clean the carpet.”
    • 中文: “我要用吸尘器清理地毯。”
  7. Alfombra

    • Spanish: “La alfombra es suave y acogedora.”
    • English: “The carpet is soft and cozy.”
    • 中文: “地毯柔软而舒适。”
  8. Cojín

    • Spanish: “Arréglame los cojines en el sofá.”
    • English: “Arrange the cushions on the sofa for me.”
    • 中文: “帮我整理一下沙发上的靠垫。”
  9. Estante

    • Spanish: “Los libros deben estar en el estante.”
    • English: “The books should be on the shelf.”
    • 中文: “书籍应该放在书架上。”
  10. Ventana

    • Spanish: “Abre la ventana para dejar entrar aire fresco.”
    • English: “Open the window to let in fresh air.”
    • 中文: “打开窗户让新鲜空气进来。”
  11. Luz

    • Spanish: “Enciende la luz para ver mejor.”
    • English: “Turn on the light to see better.”
    • 中文: “打开灯以便更好地看清楚。”
  12. Silla

    • Spanish: “Coloca la silla junto al sofá.”
    • English: “Place the chair next to the sofa.”
    • 中文: “把椅子放在沙发旁边。”
  13. Ordenar

    • Spanish: “Necesito ordenar la sala de estar.”
    • English: “I need to tidy up the living room.”
    • 中文: “我需要整理客厅。”
  14. Basura

    • Spanish: “Tira la basura en el cubo.”
    • English: “Throw the trash in the bin.”
    • 中文: “把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。”
  15. Espejo

    • Spanish: “El espejo está sucio, necesito limpiarlo.”
    • English: “The mirror is dirty; I need to clean it.”
    • 中文: “镜子脏了,我需要清洁它。”
  16. Decoración

    • Spanish: “La decoración de la sala de estar es muy bonita.”
    • English: “The decoration of the living room is very nice.”
    • 中文: “客厅的装饰非常漂亮。”
  17. Cuadro

    • Spanish: “El cuadro en la pared es una hermosa obra de arte.”
    • English: “The painting on the wall is a beautiful piece of art.”
    • 中文: “墙上的画是一件美丽的艺术品。”
  18. Planta

    • Spanish: “Coloca la planta en la esquina de la sala.”
    • English: “Place the plant in the corner of the room.”
    • 中文: “把植物放在房间的角落里。”
  19. Rincón

    • Spanish: “El rincón de lectura es muy acogedor.”
    • English: “The reading corner is very cozy.”
    • 中文: “阅读角落非常舒适。”
  20. Ambiente

    • Spanish: “Quiero crear un ambiente relajante en la sala.”
    • English: “I want to create a relaxing atmosphere in the living room.”
    • 中文: “我想在客厅创造一个放松的氛围。”
  21. Cesta

    • Spanish: “Ponte la cesta para recoger los juguetes.”
    • English: “Use the basket to collect the toys.”
    • 中文: “用篮子收集玩具。”
