Taking Photos


  1. Foto

    • Spanish: “Voy a tomar una foto de la torta.”
    • English: “I am going to take a photo of the cake.”
    • 中文: “我要拍一张蛋糕的照片。”
  2. Cumpleaños

    • Spanish: “Hoy es el cumpleaños de mi mejor amigo.”
    • English: “Today is my best friend’s birthday.”
    • 中文: “今天是我最好朋友的生日。”
  3. Celebración

    • Spanish: “La celebración fue muy divertida.”
    • English: “The celebration was very fun.”
    • 中文: “庆祝活动非常有趣。”
  4. Grupo

    • Spanish: “Hagamos una foto de grupo.”
    • English: “Let’s take a group photo.”
    • 中文: “我们来拍一张合影吧。”
  5. Momento

    • Spanish: “Capturé un momento especial en la fiesta.”
    • English: “I captured a special moment at the party.”
    • 中文: “我在派对上捕捉到了一个特别的时刻。”
  6. Cámara

    • Spanish: “¿Tienes una cámara para tomar fotos?”
    • English: “Do you have a camera to take pictures?”
    • 中文: “你有相机来拍照吗?”
  7. Recuerdo

    • Spanish: “Quiero tener un recuerdo de este día.”
    • English: “I want to have a memory of this day.”
    • 中文: “我想留存这一天的回忆。”
  8. Flash

    • Spanish: “No olvides encender el flash.”
    • English: “Don’t forget to turn on the flash.”
    • 中文: “不要忘记打开闪光灯。”
  9. Posar

    • Spanish: “Todos deben posar para la foto.”
    • English: “Everyone should pose for the photo.”
    • 中文: “每个人都应该摆姿势拍照。”
  10. Instantánea

    • Spanish: “Tomé una instantánea de los niños jugando.”
    • English: “I took a snapshot of the children playing.”
    • 中文: “我拍了一张孩子们玩耍的快照。”
  11. Retrato

    • Spanish: “Me encanta hacer retratos en las fiestas.”
    • English: “I love taking portraits at parties.”
    • 中文: “我喜欢在派对上拍肖像。”
  12. Fondo

    • Spanish: “El fondo de la foto es muy bonito.”
    • English: “The background of the photo is very beautiful.”
    • 中文: “照片的背景非常美丽。”
  13. Sonrisa

    • Spanish: “Sonríe para la foto.”
    • English: “Smile for the photo.”
    • 中文: “对着相机微笑。”
  14. Ángulo

    • Spanish: “Cambia el ángulo para que todos salgan.”
    • English: “Change the angle so everyone is in it.”
    • 中文: “改变角度,让每个人都在里面。”
  15. Candidata

    • Spanish: “Me gustan las fotos candidatas.”
    • English: “I like candid photos.”
    • 中文: “我喜欢抓拍的照片。”
  16. Zoom

    • Spanish: “Usa el zoom para acercar la imagen.”
    • English: “Use the zoom to get a closer image.”
    • 中文: “使用缩放来放大图像。”
  17. Revisar

    • Spanish: “Voy a revisar las fotos después de la fiesta.”
    • English: “I will review the photos after the party.”
    • 中文: “我会在派对后查看照片。”
  18. Desenfocar

    • Spanish: “La foto salió desenfocada.”
    • English: “The photo came out blurry.”
    • 中文: “照片模糊不清。”
  19. Móvil

    • Spanish: “Voy a usar mi móvil para tomar fotos.”
    • English: “I am going to use my phone to take pictures.”
    • 中文: “我要用我的手机拍照。”
  20. Galería

    • Spanish: “Puedo crear una galería de fotos en línea.”
    • English: “I can create an online photo gallery.”
    • 中文: “我可以创建一个在线照片库。”
  21. Imprimir

    • Spanish: “Me gustaría imprimir algunas fotos.”
    • English: “I would like to print some photos.”
    • 中文: “我想打印一些照片。”
